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New Jersey Expungement Attorney & Lawyer


Any licensed New Jersey attorney can represent you in court, but enlisting the help of a specialized expungement attorney ensures that your future is handled with professional care. Specialized expungement attorneys have the advantage of understanding court rules and procedures before stepping into the court. This allows them to process your expungement more quickly for a lower price. The efficiency that comes with experience allows specialized expungement attorneys to offer you a lower price than other attorneys. In some cases you can save up to 75% by selecting a specialized expungement attorney to expunge your New Jersey criminal record.

Choosing an Expungement Attorney Online
There are many attorney sites online that offer expungement services. Choosing the right expungement attorney can be the determining factor when it comes to having your New Jersey criminal record expunge successfully. Below are questions you should ask an attorney before choosing them to expunge your New Jersey criminal record.

  • Do they specialize in expungement?
  • Can you speak to the attorney handling your case?
  • What is their success rates with expungements in New Jersey?
  • Do they offer a money-back guarantee?
  • Do they have a street address?
  • Does the price include all fees associated with the expungement?
  • Does the price include answering objections from the district attorney?
  • Does the price include sending an attorney to court for you?
  • Do Not Let Non-Attorneys Mislead You

There are many sites on the internet that offer “expungement assistance” services. Do not be fooled by these companies as they leave you to do all the work. They are simply form providers. Expungement in New Jersey is complicated, and navigating through the process alone can be intimidating. After these companies take your money and leave you to do all the work, they may charge you extra for consultations and advice. Some have been known to not answer customer phone calls at all. Aviod being scammed and choose a specialized expungement attorney with a money-back guarantee. We recommend the expungement attorneys at They offer a low-price and money-back guarantee. Take their free eligibility test to see if you qualify.

Whether or Not to Represent Yourself in New Jersey
The New Jersey Courts specifically state that, while you have the right to represent yourself in court, you should not expect any special treatment, help, or attention from the court. You must still comply with the rules of the court, even if you are not familiar with them. As stated by the New Jersey Courts, the following is a list of some things the court staff can and cannot do for you.

The New Jersey State Courts will:

  1. Explain and answer questions about how the court works.
  2. Tell you what the requirements are to have your case considered by the court.
  3. Give you some information from your case file.
  4. Provide you with samples of court forms that are available.
  5. Provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms.
  6. Usually answer questions about court deadlines.

The New Jersey State Courts will not:

  1. Give you legal advice. Only your lawyer can give you legal advice.
  2. Tell you whether or not you should bring your case to court.
  3. Give you an opinion about what will happen if you bring your case to court.
  4. Recommend a lawyer, but they can provide you with the telephone number of a local lawyer referral service.
  5. Talk to the judge for you about what will happen in your case.
  6. Let you talk to the judge outside of court.
  7. Change an order issued by a judge.